My Life Your Entertainment

..It all began...

Monday, July 12, 2010

temptations part 1

Its so cold and my mind is trying hard to find a way to shut out this damned cold. My sister washed my clothes today and in the process cleaned all my sweaters and hence I'm in my room cold to the bone. For those who like my pal soni is holed up in the warm coast, I am in my crib in bana and its freezing here in the highlands. It is at this time that i find myself thinking about the many temptations that we have to fight even s this cold urges us to indulge. Presently i find myself thinking about her, but i do not know exactly what parts of my anatomy those thoughts are more pronounced. I'm thinking of a lot of things about her and still, some parts of me are resisting the temptation to do so. But the softness of her lips lingers and i try so hard to decipher whether it is a real memory or a creation of my chilled imagination. I remember her whispers as her warm breath warmed the nape of my neck and sent heavenly shivers through my whole system. Oh how i mis those shivers, the heat as my blood rushes through my body in an eternal dance of passion as a celebration of such divine beauty. I remember those eyes as they bore into mine, locked in a dance of defiance and challenge as the fingers reach to my shirt buttons. The tendernes as those dainty hands trace the outline of my toned chest waking up a fire that can consume not just the touched but also the gentle aggressor...I close my eyes and I let her become my master. I am loosing this fight, slowly but surely and I know i must stop but, down the fingers go. My mind is confused trying to sort out btw reality and dream, fantasy and romance....I hope for my sake that it is only a fragment of my imagination for I am weak and if i fall, there is no hope for recovery. My hands reach out behind her, pulling her closer letting her pefect body warm mine and the mutual desire so strong like a fan over a charcoal fire. The cold satrts to recede and I feel as one possessed trying so hard to control my movements but alas, my limbs move with a life of their own. I watch paralyzed as my hands trace the length of her back slowly but resolutely stopping at her tiny waist. Some one any one stop me if this is real but if Im'm in blessed dream halt at the door and let my night of sleepy passion continue unabated.

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