My Life Your Entertainment

..It all began...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Prodigal son returns 2

For those who remember last time i had the privilege to attempt displaying literal prowess in a bid to cause readers to find enjoyment in the perusal of my daily blog endeavors; i was talking of the demise of our beloved dog bruce. Our other dogs are just as an important part of our home scenario and without these graceful hounds, the panorama would not be the same. There is courage ironicaly named after courage the cowardly dog. For those who dint have the pleasure of watching this cartoon, courage was a dog who was scared even of his own shadow. There is nothing cowardly about our courage and it goes without mention that the offspring of this wonderful creature are as fearsome as the mother. Our other dog goes by the name Smooth and I have no idea why my small niece deemed in her limited intelligence to name him so. His brother has grabbed the name tusker and it is important to note that again, this name was assigned him by her grace, the great oracle. It is the divine reserve of this oracle, my niece, to assign names to all creatures that inhabit the muraya home. Other animals that have been blessed with names by her grace includes our cow Susan and the young bull Abdalla. But enough with the oracle and her animals, lets get back to my home return. I have finally been able to avoid all work by employing the efforts of a certain distant cousing whos work is to come in the morning and deal with all works that require my attention. My mother calls me lazy i call my self an anthropologist who have deemed it important to share the little i have with this illustrious chap. My work therefore is to ensure that there is a hot meal ready for him when he is done and it would be wise dear reader not to trouble your burdened minds with trying to decipher the source of this meal. I have been trying so hard to finally settle down and watch the many series that i brought with me but sadly i have failed.

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